Conference proceedings and presentations by the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice faculty members are collected here.
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Submissions from 2021
Variations in Victim Presence in Restorative Youth Conferencing Programs: The Use of Surrogate Victims Increases Reparation Completion, Anne Hobbs, Ana Cienfuegos-Silvera, and Lindsey E. Wylie
Human Rights in the Time of COVID-19: An Interview with Sam Walker, Religious Studies, University of Nebraska at Omaha; Teresa C. Kulig; and Sam Walker
Submissions from 2019
Employing an Intentional Mentoring Model for Delinquent Youth., Anne M. Hobbs
Submissions from 2013
Assessing Youth Early in the Juvenile Justice System, Anne M. Hobbs, Timbre Wulf-Ludden, and Jenna Strawhun
Submissions from 2007
Pathways and Turning Points: Child Maltreatment, Adolescent Outcomes, and Delinquency, Ryan E. Spohn
Submissions from 2006
Gun Related Youth Violence: Fear of Victimization versus the Influence of Significant Others, Ryan E. Spohn and Samantha Lane