"Ohio Regional Forum Report Findings from the Survey and Small Small-" by Ryan E. Spohn

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The Midwest Child Welfare Implementation Center (MCWIC) is collaborating with The Ohio Office of Families and Children (OFC) to develop and implement a new technical assistance (TA) model. This project is a part of Ohio's systemic effort to improve its child welfare outcomes, and will materially alter how OFC works with Ohio's county-administered child welfare offices. It will build Ohio's capacity to implement evidence-informed and promising child welfare interventions.

To inform the process of developing a new technical assistance model, MCWIC hosted a series of ten regional forums throughout the state during July, 2010. The purpose of these events was to understand how the Ohio Office of Children and Families can better work with and support Ohio’s public and private children services agencies. Attendees were invited to participate in small focus group discussions to provide input and share their agency’s perspective on the current and future role of the OFC in supporting public children services agencies. Preceding the focus group discussions, however, participants were asked to complete a survey that was designed to gather their frank opinions on the role of the OFC. An identical survey was administered online through a link on MCWIC’s home page to be completed by interested persons who were unable to attend a regional forum.

This report summarizes the findings from the regional forum discussions and survey. It provides a snapshot of perceptions of the technical assistance currently provided by the OFC, as well as suggestions for the new technical assistance model that is to be developed by the MCWIC “Partners for Ohio’s Families Project.”


Published by Spohn, et al., 2010. Copyright 2010, Midwest Child Welfare Implementation Center. Used by permission.

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