"Less social support for women in disadvantaged neighborhoods means tha" by Emily M. Wright

Less social support for women in disadvantaged neighborhoods means that they are more likely to be the victims of intimate partner violence

Author ORCID Identifier

Wright: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4653-3596

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The London School of Economics


Social support has been recognized as a protective factor associated with reduced intimate partner violence (IPV). A question that few studies have examined, however, is whether the effectiveness of social support on IPV is conditioned by the neighborhood in which it occurs. This study investigated whether the separate effects of support from friends and family members on partner violence were conditioned by neighborhood disadvantage. Results indicated that social support from family significantly reduced the prevalence and frequency of IPV, whereas support from friends was associated with higher frequencies of partner violence. Importantly, the effects of social support were contextualized by neighborhood disadvantage, with the impact of both forms of social support on IPV being diminished in neighborhoods characterized by higher levels of disadvantage.


This is a reprint of the article "The relationship between social support and intimate partner violence in neighborhood context" in Crime and Delinquency 61(10): 1333-1359. You can read this article here: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/criminaljusticefacpub/47/

Or you can read this blog post reprint at http://bit.ly/1T7Yus9
