"Teaching Research Data Management" by Julia Bauder, Omer Farooq et al.
Teaching Research Data Management

Teaching Research Data Management



Editor: Julia Bauder

Chapter: Creating Capacity for Research Data Services at Regional Universities: A Case Study authored by Omer Farooq, Jason A. Heppler, and Kate M. Ehrig-Page of the University of Nebraska at Omaha

Armed with this guide's strategies and concrete examples, subject librarians, data services librarians, and scholarly communication librarians will be inspired to roll up their sleeves and get involved with teaching research data management competencies to students and faculty.

The usefulness of research data management skills bridges numerous activities, from data-driven scholarship and open research by faculty to documentation for grant reporting. And undergrads need a solid foundation in data management for future academic success. This collection gathers practitioners from a broad range of academic libraries to describe their services and instruction around research data. You will learn about such topics as

  • integrating research data management into information literacy instruction;
  • threshold concepts for novice learners of data management;
  • four key competencies that are entry points for library-faculty collaboration in data instruction;
  • an 8-step plan for outreach to faculty and grad students in engineering and the sciences;
  • using RStudio to teach data management, data visualization, and research reproducibility;
  • expanding data management instruction with adaptable modules for remote learning;
  • designing a data management workshop series;
  • developing a research guide on data types, open data repositories, and data storage;
  • creating a data management plan assignment for STEM undergraduates; and
  • data management training to ensure compliance with grant requirements.



Publication Date



ALA Editions




Library and Information Science


Farooq, Omer, Heppler, Jason A., & Ehrig-Page, Kate M. “Creating Capacity for Research Data Services at Regional Universities.” In Teaching Research Data Management, edited by Julia Bauder, 155-176. Chicago: ALA Editions, 2022.

This chapter can be downloaded here: "Creating Capacity for Research Data Services at Regional Universities:" by Omer Farooq, Jason A. Heppler et al. (unomaha.edu)

Teaching Research Data Management
