"Fair Use" by Isabel Soto-Luna

Fair Use

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Open Educational Resources for Librarians and Educators


Fair Use scenarios are probably the most common types of copyright questions that librarians find themselves helping faculty consider. The following slides contain some common scenarios that faculty might encounter. Remember that, as we’re considering these scenarios, Fair Use is often a holistic assessment considering multiple factors.

Fair use may not be what you expect. Whether or not you are within the boundaries of fair use depends on the facts of your particular situation. What exactly are you using? How widely are you sharing the materials? Are you confining your work to the nonprofit environment of the university?


This is a chapter written by University of Nebraska at Omaha faculty, Isabel Soto-Luna, in Open Educational Recourses for Librarians and Educators, which can be accessed at https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/crisslibfacbooks/7
