DigitalCommons@UNO - CPAR Presents: A Data and Research Series for Community Impact: Social Determinants of Health and Health Data Panel

Start Date

16-8-2017 9:00 AM


Commons 132 and 132D


A newer and expanding area of research is how socio-economic characteristics like income and education levels influence health outcomes. It has been said that your zip code is more important to your well-being than your genetic code. Local and national studies have shown correlations between higher poverty leading to lower life expectancy. Hear a panel of experts describe the health data of interest and how Census data tie into this important field of study.

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Aug 16th, 9:00 AM

Social Determinants of Health and Health Data Panel

Commons 132 and 132D

A newer and expanding area of research is how socio-economic characteristics like income and education levels influence health outcomes. It has been said that your zip code is more important to your well-being than your genetic code. Local and national studies have shown correlations between higher poverty leading to lower life expectancy. Hear a panel of experts describe the health data of interest and how Census data tie into this important field of study.