Key Questions for Educational Leaders


Key Questions for Educational Leaders



Key Questions offers 42 short essays from international educational leadership scholars and practitioners on everything from parental engagement to special education to supporting Indigenous students. This book is a valued and requisite resource for both practising and prospective educational leaders.

Racism, social class, equity, social justice, spirituality, ethics, accountability, indoctrination, authority, accountability, advocacy, social justice, feminism, spiritual leadership, and critical self-reflection are among the many intangible aspects of leadership covered in this book.

Some of the critical questions include:

i). What does racism have to do with school leadership?

ii). Why should school principals think about social class?

iii). How can educational leaders support sexual and gender minority students in our schools?

iv). What is feminist leadership?

v). How should student voice impact educational leaders?

vi). How does educational leadership influence student learning?

vii). How can educational leaders promote mental health in schools?

Each question and response will provide the reader with insight into the challenges and tensions as well as next steps.

This book is the most comprehensive book on educational leadership on the market and its greatest strength is found in the 42 authors ability to connect the theory and practice with improving schools so that all students benefit.



Publication Date



Word and Deed Publishing


Chapter: What is Rural School Leadership is written by University of Nebraska at Omaha professor Dr. Jeanne Surface.

Key Questions for Educational Leaders
