UNO Educational Leadership Faculty Proceedings & Presentations | Department of Educational Leadership | University of Nebraska at Omaha
Conference proceedings and presentations by the Educational Leadership Department faculty members are collected here.


Submissions from 2021


Preventing Sexual Grooming by Teachers: One State's Legislative Approach, Gretchen Oltman J.D., Ph.D and Jeanne Surface Ed.D

Submissions from 2011


To Be or Not to Be...A School Leader: Motivators of Educational Administration Candidates, Gerald Beach and Kay Anne Keiser


Using Electronic Portfolios to Measure Growth in Leadership Standards and Dispositions, Peter J. Smith


Assessing EDAD candidate's leadership growth and perceptions: ethical principles and acting fairly, Jeanne L. Surface


Dating Violence, Don't Ignore It!, Jeanne L. Surface, David Stader, Thomas Graca, and Jerry Lowe

Submissions from 2001


Recruitment and Retention of Culturally Diverse Faculty/Staff: Our Process for Success, Sharon Ulmar and Sherri Rogers

Submissions from 1999


Can Diversity Programs Change Behaviors in the Campus Environment?, Sharon Ulmar

Submissions from 1985


Interactive Pharmacological and Behavioral Management of a Hyperactive Attention Deficit Disordered Child in an Elective Pharmacy Clerkship, John W. Hill and Dick R. Gourley