"Mental Health Support: Through the Early Development Networks Team's P" by Heather Post

Date of Award

Summer 2021

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Jeanne L. Surface


The purpose of this phenomenological case study was to explore the implementation of Nebraska Rule 52 Primary Service Provider model from the perspectives of the Primary Service Providers as well as the Services Coordinator. This study explored how the Primary Service Provider model is effectively meeting the needs of the child and family in the areas of mental health and social emotional support.

This research added to the knowledge and information of our key stakeholders to determine a more intensive training for our Early Development Network team and how to best support these professionals as they are working with the most vulnerable and impactful population. In this study eight early development network professionals participated in interviews which were transcribed and coded. Thematic analysis indicated that when discussing components of the primary service provider model and how the model supports family's mental health and the child's social emotional development. The interview data brought about themes representing observation and assessments of development and learning, family support and partnership, continuous improvement and professionalism, individualized supports and inclusion-based practice, barriers and challenges of implementing primary service provider model, child find process, and collaboration with school professionals, educational service units, or planning region teams. Therefore, according to these eight early development network professionals it is important to have all of these characteristics when implementing the primary service provider model in order to meet the needs of the families. It is important that the barriers of implementing the primary service provider model addressed to be able to support all of the needs of the child and family. Since the barriers and challenges constituted for 23% of all of the coded thematic data.


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