Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Kay A. Keiser

Second Advisor

Dr. Jeanne L. Surface


The purpose of this qualitative study was to analyze how textbooks inform and prepare teachers for handling behaviors and the management of the classroom. By reviewing 55 textbooks provided to the researcher by current midwestern K-12 classroom teachers and administrators, analysis was completed for pre-service and novice teacher stages. Textbooks were categorized by strategies focused in secondary, primary, proactive, reactive, and manifesting conflicts. While all the textbooks offer information that every teacher can benefit from understanding, after analysis, it was concluded that in the training and supporting of teachers, matching texts to specific outcomes is beneficial. Additionally, this type of document analysis uncovered the importance of common language and definitions, the need for further research in historical and cultural changes in classroom management, and the documentation of current responses to current student and faculty needs.


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