"Teacher Beliefs and Adverse Childhood Experiences" by Jennifer Lynn Barnett

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Elliot Ostler

Second Advisor

Dr. Kay Keiser

Third Advisor

Dr. Tamara Williams


In the teaching profession, educators are often left to intervene with behaviors and developmental concerns associated with adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). In order to maintain a productive classroom, teachers must show self regulation, resilience, and sensitivity to their students' adverse childhood experiences. Many teachers intervening with these concerns have experienced ACEs themselves. Little research has been completed on the number of ACEs teachers report related to personal beliefs of student classroom behaviors or resilience. This study is significant because research shows increased achievement in the area of behavior and academics when trauma sensitive practices are implemented in schools (Sporleader & Forbes, 2016). This study used Spearman rank order correlation coefficients to show the relationship between resilience, sensitivity, and self regulation beliefs among 225 teachers in southwest Iowa. The results show all three values as statistically significant. Implications from the research show's when looking at traditional classrooms, teachers are expected to run their day based on an academic focus. This study shows a significant relationship between the importance of social emotional needs of both the adults an the students in the classroom. In addition, self-awareness for teachers in the areas of resiliency, sensitivity, and self regulation related to their own experiences indicates professional development in these areas may benefit the students and adults.


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