“‘Boht I Noh Yehri FINM Na Di Il ehn dehm ehn de Kehv dehm”: Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart in Krio

Pamela J. Olúbùnmi Smith, University of Nebraska at Omaha

This article was first published in the Journal of the African Literature Association.


“Boht I Noh Yehri FINM Na Di Il ehn dehm ehn de Kehv dehm”: Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart in Krio” came about as a response to the ‘Call for African-language Translations’ by the Translation Caucus of the African Literature Association (TRACALA) in February 2008. Cognizant of the global response to the 50th anniversary of Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart (TFA), TRACALA intended its specific call for translations of TFA in African languages not only as its own contribution to the global celebrations of the novel’s 50th year but also as the distinctive event marking its own inauguration as a caucus of the African Literature Association (ALA). Importantly, the translations were not only to be in African languages, but they were specifically to be featured as “readings.” Eight translations of randomly chosen sections of TFA were submitted and performed in a panel titled, ‘African Language Performance Panel: TFA in Translation – Yoruba, Igbo, kiSwahili, Gikuyu, Tigrinya, Wolof, Zulu, and Krio.’