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The purpose of this project is to research how feminists in the field of composition have used feminist pedagogy to change standards of writing instruction. The first two chapters create a collaborative and comprehensive definition of feminist pedagogy, culling three decades of research on the issue to extrapolate a contemporary definition of feminist pedagogy that focuses on 16 themes. The subsequent three chapters of the project document ethnographic studies of three feminist teachers and scholars in the field of composition, investigating how they are practicing feminist pedagogy in classrooms, leadership, and scholarship. The three feminist teachers who are the focus of the ethnographic chapters are Harriet Malinowitz, professor of English at Long Island University and author of Textual Orientations: Lesbian and Gav Students and the Making of Discourse Communities: Lynn Worsham, professor of English at South Florida University and editor of JAC: and Jackie Jones Royster, associate dean of research and faculty affairs at Ohio State University and a composition scholar whose current work centers on African American Women rhetors of the nineteenth century. In the ethnographic chapters I examine how these three feminist leaders in the field of composition are living their feminist pedagogy and how their work helps shape contemporary composition theory and practice.
Recommended Citation
Siebler, Kay, "Teackerly A cts of Transgression: How Fem inist Educators are Changing Composition" (2002). English Faculty Publications. 86.
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Submitted to the Faculty of Miami U Diversity in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Department of English
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