Document Type


Start Date

26-6-2024 11:00 AM

End Date

26-6-2024 1:00 PM


Poster on the growing concern over the use of generative artificial intelligence (GAI) (i.e. deepfakes, generated audio, or generated images) causing the spread of political misinformation, especially as we approach the 2024 presidential elections. Specifically, the dissemination of disinformation could prevent voters from submitting ballets and therefore effecting the results of the election.


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Jun 26th, 11:00 AM Jun 26th, 1:00 PM

AI Made Me Do It?: How AI is Used to Enhance Malevolent Creativity Idea Generation

Poster on the growing concern over the use of generative artificial intelligence (GAI) (i.e. deepfakes, generated audio, or generated images) causing the spread of political misinformation, especially as we approach the 2024 presidential elections. Specifically, the dissemination of disinformation could prevent voters from submitting ballets and therefore effecting the results of the election.