"<i>Enterprise Resource Planning for Global Economies: Managerial Issue" by Carlos Ferran, Ricardo Salim et al.
<i>Enterprise Resource Planning for Global Economies: Managerial Issues and Challenges: Managerial Issues and Challenges</i>

Enterprise Resource Planning for Global Economies: Managerial Issues and Challenges: Managerial Issues and Challenges



Editors: Carlos Ferran and Ricardo Salim

Chapter, 15, Success Factors for the Global Implementation of ERP/HRMS Software, co-authored by Deanna House, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Peter Wolcott, and Kenneth Dick, are the University of Nebraska at Omaha faculty members.

Local functional systems that create inefficient islands of information are being replaced by expensive enterprise-wide applications that unify the functional areas; however, while we have not yet been able to completely and seamlessly integrate across functions, we find that the new islands of information are no longer functional but political, cultural, linguistic, and geographical. The global village is a reality and enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementations face new issues and challenges.

Enterprise Resource Planning for Global Economies: Managerial Issues and Challenges provides authoritative research on the theoretical frameworks and pragmatic discussions on global implementations of information systems, particularly ERP systems. This book offers professionals, managers, and researchers, who want to improve their understanding of the issues and challenges that arise when information systems cross national boundaries, with an authoritative, essential research resource.



Publication Date



IGI Global


Hershey, PA


Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis


Chapter 15 is written by University of Nebraska at Omaha professors: House, D., De Vreede, G.-J., Wolcott, P., & Dick, K. (2008). Success Factors for the Global Implementation of ERP/HRMS Software. In C. Ferran and R. Salim (Eds.), Enterprise Resource Planning for Global Economics: Managerial Issues and Challenges (pp. 289–307). Hersey, PA: IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-59904-531-3.ch015

This chapter can be freely accessed at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/isqafacpub/111/

<i>Enterprise Resource Planning for Global Economies: Managerial Issues and Challenges: Managerial Issues and Challenges</i>

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