"<i>The Madaba Plains Project: Forty Years of Archaeological Research i" by Douglas R. Clark, Larry G. Herr et al.
<i>The Madaba Plains Project: Forty Years of Archaeological Research into Jordan’s Past</i>

The Madaba Plains Project: Forty Years of Archaeological Research into Jordan’s Past



Editors: Douglas R. Clark, Larry G. Herr, Øystein S. LaBianca, Randall W. Younker

Chapter, Organizational aspects of pottery production in Central Jordan, co-authored by Robert Shuster, UNO faculty member

Tall al-'Umayri, located along the southern edge of Amman, Jordan, guarded an ancient thoroughfare. Past excavations have revealed the most extensive and best preserved fortification system so far discovered from the Iron 1 period in all of Palestine. This volume contains reports on excavations in four fields including the Ammonite administrative complex and the western defense system. Special reports include, among others, an infant burial, the use of remote sensing techniques, and Egyptian objects found at the site.

This volume contains reports on four excavated fields (A, B, H, and L) as well as specialist reports on the pottery, objects, Early Iron Age I Egyptian and Egyptian-style objects, textile artifacts, ceramic technology, production technology of Bronze and Iron Age pottery at the site, ground penetrating radar, an infant burial, and a pair of cymbals from the 1996 and 1998 seasons at Tall al-'Umayri. Included are 107 photos, 157 pottery plates and site plan illustrations, eight tables, three maps, and an index.



Publication Date







Geography and Geology


London, Gloria and Shuster, Robert, 2011, Organizational aspects of pottery production in Central Jordan, in The Madaba Plains Project: Forty Years of Archaeological Research into Jordan’s Past, eds. D.R. Clark, L.G. Herr, Ø.S. LaBianca, and R.W. Younker. London: Equinox., p. 135-155.

<i>The Madaba Plains Project: Forty Years of Archaeological Research into Jordan’s Past</i>

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