"Without a Name by Yvonne Vera" by Pamela J. Olúbùnmi Smith

Without a Name by Yvonne Vera

Pamela J. Olúbùnmi Smith, University of Nebraska at Omaha

This article was reused with kind permission.

DOI: 10.2307/40042293 Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/40042293


A relative newcomer to the literary scene, Yvonne Vera joins the rising ranks of Zimbabwean writers and African women writers, earning her place with promising credentials, academic and literary. Vera is the author of two previous works, a volume of short stories, Why Don't You Carve Other Animals (1992), and a poetic novel, Nehanda (1993; see WLT 69:i, p.212), which were shortlisted for the Regional Commonwealth Writers Award in 1993 and 1994 respectively.