Encyclopedia of Archaeology: Second Edition
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Encyclopedia of Archaeology, Second Edition, Four Volume Set covers the standing of archaeology as a scientific discipline, how archaeology is practiced, both in the field and in the lab, provides an archaeological geographical overview encompassing all continents and time periods, and covers the role of archaeology in the modern world. This clearly structured thematic manner ensures a well-balanced presentation of the discipline across the world by the people who perform and experience archaeology as native scholars. Led by a brand new international editorial team, this book contains 299 articles.
From using home kits to analyze our DNA and find our ancestors’ origin, to walking among ancient monuments embedded in modern cityscapes, visiting museums and archaeological sites, watching adventure movies, or playing video games about mummies coming to life, archaeology touches on many aspects of our everyday life.
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Nikita, Efthymia Ed.; Rehren, Thilo Ed.; and Weihs, Brandon J., "Encyclopedia of Archaeology: Second Edition" (2023). Geography and Geology Faculty Books and Monographs. 12.
The entry title Mass Movement was written University of Nebraska at Omaha faculty members, J.F. Shroder and B.J. Weihs.