Structural data archive for: Mesozoic-Cenozoic regional stress field evolution in Svalbard

Document Type

Supplementary Data

Publication Date



The data associated with the above manuscript along with a brief description is archived as the excel and pdf files listed, linked and described below.

DiabaseImageryDataArchive.xlsx (3784 kB)
DiabaseImageryDataArchive.pdf (4635 kB)
Joint trace strikes from interpreted images (N up) from Alekseevøya, NW coast of Kukenhalvøya, and Kapp Muhry just N of Barentsøya. Images taken from the Norsk Polarinstitutt online map server ( Colored lines are segments along visible joint traces. For Kapp Muhry the yellow belongs to a N-S and EW orthogonal joint pair, and the red to a later preferred orientation. See table below from summary paper for more detailed information.

EdgeøyaDiabaseDataV2.xlsx (86304 kB)
EdgeøyaDiabaseDataV2.pdf (22426 kB)
Segmented joint trace data from scaled and oriented hand-held images from diabase sill sites from the southern part of Edgeøya. More specific location information in table below.

EdgeøyaTriassicDataArchive.xlsx (17083 kB)
EdgeøyaTriassicDataArchive.pdf (22426 kB)
Data includes both segmented joint trace data from scaled and oriented hand-held images from outcrops of Triassic strata from southern Edgeøya, and field measurements of joints in Triassic data from both the authors and from Lord (2013) from Edgeøya.

RafenoddenLiddfjelletDataArchive.xlsx (33071 kB)
RafenoddenLiddfjelletDataArchive.pdf (42922 kB)
Segmented joint trace data from scaled oriented hand-held images from Carboniferous and Triassic strata from southern Spitsbergen. More specific location information in the table below.

TreskeloddenDataArchive.xlsx (21326 kB)
TreskeloddenDataArchive.pdf (27422 kB)
Data includes both segmented joint trace data from scaled and oriented hand-held images from outcrops of Carboniferous Treskelodden Fm. and Permian Kapp Starostin Fm. strata and field measurements of joints in Triassic strata from Treskelen peninsula data in the Hornsund fjord of southern Spitsbergen. More specific location information in the table below.

TriassicGrowthFaultData.xlsx (55 kB)
TriassicGrowthFaultData.pdf (102 kB)
Field orientation measurements of growth faults exposed on southern Edgeøya, Svalbard.

SummaryInfoOnSampleSites.jpg (189 kB)
SummaryInfoOnSampleSites.pdf (194 kB)
Table of sample site attributes including location host geologic unit, and interpreted preferred orientations.

This document is currently not available here.
