"Nadezda Obradovic. African Rhapsody: Short Stories of the Contemporary" by Pamela J. Olúbùnmi Smith

Document Type

Book Review

Publication Date

Spring 1995

Publication Title

World Literature Today





First Page



African Rhapsody, an anthology containing the work of twenty-five contemporary writers, prides itself on its diversity of topics from sixteen countries of North, South, East, and West Africa. In this fine harvest authentic stories are told by African writers about African characters and the overwhelming realities of their lives in Africa. Where similar anthologies have focused primarily on stories written in English with a few token translations from the French, African Rhapsody gives breadth not only to stories written originally in English but also to translate stories - five from French, three from Arabic, and one Portuguese. The foreword by Chinua Achebe, itself a concise critical essay on the short story as a genre, situates short story not only as the forerunner of the African novel, the "convenient bridge from oral to written literature," but also as a genre whose appeal resonates African writers.


This article was reused with kind permission. DOI: 10.2307/40151318 Stable URL https://www.jstor.org/stable/40151318
