"Passive vibration on the legs reduces peripheral and systemic arterial" by Alexei Wong, Marcos A. Sanchez-Gonzalez et al.

Author ORCID Identifier

Park - https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8576-7531

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Publication Title

Hypertension Research



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Intermittent leg exercise (10 × 1-min sets) with whole-body vibration (WBV) decreases brachial-ankle pulse-wave velocity (baPWV)1 and leg PWV (legPWV) but not aortic PWV.2 As baPWV is an index of systemic arterial stiffness3 mainly influenced by aortic PWV (∼58%) and legPWV (∼23%),4 previously published results1, 2 suggest that WBV affects baPWV through peripheral but not central PWV. The post-exercise decrease in PWV is associated with vasodilation in the exercised limb.5, 6 Similarly, intermittent WBV (3 × 3-min sets)7 or passive vibration (PV)8 has been shown to increase blood flow in the vibrated limb after only 1-min post vibration. Interestingly, 10 min of continuous PV was found to increase arm skin blood flow after 5-min post vibration,9 indicating a direct relationship between the duration of exposure and vasorelaxation. We hypothesized that PV on the legs may decrease legPWV and baPWV more than aortic PWV. The purpose of our study was to examine PWV responses following continuous PV of lengthy duration.


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