"Intentional Storytelling to Sustain Low-cost/Free Breast Cancer Servic" by Ayokunle Olagoke, Katherine Reyes et al.

Author ORCID Identifier

Olagoke - https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0271-4069

Document Type


Publication Date

Summer 2022

Publication Title

Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action





First Page


Last Page



Background: Community-based public health advocacy efforts are crucial to sustaining the low-cost/free breast cancer services that support underserved populations.

Objectives: We introduce two ways in which narrative theory may be a useful tool for developing advocacy materials and provide an example, using a community–academic partnership to promote Latina breast health in Chicago, Illinois.

Methods: Community and academic partners 1) engaged 25 Spanish-speaking Latinas in an advocacy workshop, 2) leveraged narrative theory to develop multi-media advocacy materials, and 3) disseminated materials to policymakers.

Lessons Learned: Our project highlights 1) that narrative theory may be useful to describe how Latinas engage policy-makers in relation to their needs and cultural norms, 2) the importance of flexibility and offering community members multiple options to engage policymakers, and 3) the importance of leveraging partners’ complementary strengths.

Conclusions: Narrative theory may be a useful tool for developing advocacy materials in community–academic partnerships.


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