Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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Information technology (IT) interventions for micro-enterprises are fragmented and their approach lacks theoretical foundations. While various researchers have conducted studies on the effects of IT adoption in micro-enterprises, little research has been conducted to explain critical aspects of an effective IT intervention for micro-enterprises from a theoretical perspective. This study aims to fill this gap and empirically investigate how IT interventions can effectively facilitate the process of IT adoption by micro-enterprises. This paper suggests that effective IT interventions may have considerable potential for facilitating IT adoption among micro-enterprises across the United States and the world. Following an analysis of four micro-enterprises using a theoretical lens developed from Actor Network Theory, this paper provides insight into the ways in which IT interventions can improve the ability of micro-enterprises to adopt IT to benefit and grow their businesses. The key contribution of this study is an analytical model that may assist researchers and practitioners in examining the effects of their IT interventions. This has implications for effective IT intervention policy development and implementation for micro-enterprises.


Published in Proceedings of the Sixteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, Lima, Peru, August 12-15, 2010.

© 2010 Association for Information Systems. This conference proceeding was originally published here: