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Conference Proceeding
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The majority of businesses in developing regions across the world are microenterprises. In recent years, this form of business has been particularly resilient to economic downturns. While microenterprises are the least likely to succeed, when they do, their growth increases by a factor of 3.4% when they adopt technology. However, the challenges faced by microenterprises make it very difficult for them to adopt technology successfully. Existing theoretical models of ICT adoption have centered on intent to adopt in large organizations, and thus lack applicability to microenterprises, wherein the intent to adopt is an individual decision. This paper builds on prior work that focused on understanding micro-entrepreneurs’ decision to adopt based on classification of entrepreneurs’ attitudes towards IT. Specifically, this paper analyzes results from a focus group conducted in a Hispanic community within Omaha, Nebraska. The contribution of the paper is in the insight into how micro-entrepreneurs’ community orientation may impact their attitudes and perceptions towards IT Adoption. Implications on how this community perspective to IT adoption may impact development are also suggested.
Recommended Citation
Good, Travis; Kamal, Mehruz; Qureshi, Sajda; and Jimenez, Nancy, "Information Technology Adoption in Latin American Microenterprises" (2010). Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis Faculty Proceedings & Presentations. 41.
Published in AMCIS 2010 Proceedings.