"Examining the Impact of Parental Involvement in a Dual Language Progra" by J. F. Casas


J. F. Casas

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This study focuses on a dual language (Spanish-English) program in the Omaha Public Schools. Dual language programs are programs in which children develop proficiency in two languages simultaneously. These programs are currently seen as the gold standard second language education because of the large amount of empirical support they have received with respect to children’s academic gains. All of the dual language classrooms are comprised of half native English speakers and half Spanish speakers.

Parental involvement has received much empirical attention with respect to traditional school programs; however, little is known about the role of parental involvement in dual language programs (Lindholm-Leary, 2001). Systematically studying dual language programs is an especially important area of investigation because of the latest census trends and because barriers to parental involvement for language minority children are likely to differ from those of language majority children.

For a list of additional publications produced from this project, please visit the Faculty Publications page on the OLLAS website.


The original publication can be found here: https://www.unomaha.edu/college-of-arts-and-sciences/ollas/research/reports-publications.php

DOI: 10.32873/uno.dc.ollas.1011

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