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This report was commissioned by The National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center (NCITE), a Department of Homeland Security (OHS) Center of Excellence (COE), to inform policymakers on issues related to the potential development of sector-specific security standards for soft targets. The findings and recommendations outlined in this research are intended to guide the development of policies and initiatives to address their unique security challenges.

A soft target is a publicly-accessible location, venue or event that typically attracts groups of people and is vulnerable to attack due to a lack of robust protection measures. Many soft targets are privately owned, operate with limited resources, and struggle to balance security, aesthetics, and ease of accessibility. Their open nature makes them attractive to a variety of threat actors, from terrorists to malicious insiders. They have unique environments, cultures, operational practices, and vulnerabilities.

The research addresses these critical questions: Are current security standards and guidance for soft targets both utilized and sufficient? Could customized, context-specific standards fill an existing gap and improve efforts to secure soft target venues?

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