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QAnon refers to an anti-establishment conspiracy theory that is promoted by a decentralized online community and has morphed into a real-world movement. Originating on online message boards, the conspiracy that is credited with the formation of QAnon largely began with a post called “the Calm Before the Storm” by an anonymous user known as “Q.” The individual claimed to be a high-level government official with a security clearance level Q who had access to classified information. Though the ideology has evolved over time, central to the QAnon conspiracy theory is the belief that the world is run by a cabal of global elites who engage in satanic rituals and maintain a child sex-trafficking ring. QAnon narratives are constantly expanding to incorporate conspiracies about current events – including election results, the COVID-19 pandemic, and 5G technology – that are then woven into the QAnon master-narrative.

The following document outlines federal criminal cases involving QAnon adherents. Many cases involving individuals associated with QAnon have resulted in state-level criminal charges. Others
