"Adult Justice in Nebraska 2017" by Nebraska Center for Justice Research, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Ryan E. Spohn et al.

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From the Director: The Nebraska Center for Justice Research was established in 2014 with a mission to develop and sustain research capacity internal to the State of Nebraska, assist the Legislature in research, evaluation, and policymaking to reduce recidivism, promote the use of evidence-based practices in corrections, and improve public safety. The primary purpose of this report is to provide an overview of recent trends in Nebraska’s adult criminal justice system. Most of the data in this report is presented statewide as well as separated into Nebraska’s twelve judicial districts. Nebraska’s two most metropolitan counties are represented by District 4 (Douglas County) and District 3 (Lancaster County). The classification of the remainder of the state’s 93 counties can be found in the table on page 4. Please contact NCJR for any questions regarding county-level estimates of the data included in this report. The data in this report represent years ranging from 2011 to 2017. The most recent data available to NCJR at the time of report writing is included in each section and trends across years are included when the data is available and informative. The report is organized according to the stages of the process of the criminal justice system: • Environmental context provides an overview of the population and demographic trends in Nebraska • System context provides an overview of law enforcement employment • Offenses provides an overview of crimes reported or known to the police and includes information on the percent of crimes cleared by arrest • Arrests provides an overview of violent and property crime arrests by districts and compares arrests in Nebraska to other states and the national average • County court provides an overview of the distribution of the county court caseload by district • District court provides an overview of the distribution of the district court caseload • Corrections provides data on admissions and correctional populations by factors such as gender, age, race, and correctional institution, as well as population trends and projections provided by NDCS • Adults on Community Supervision includes trends in hearing, admissions, discharges, and revocations for both Parole and Probation • Problem-Solving Courts provides a map of current problem-solving courts, as well as trends describing court participants Our hope is that this report serves as a reference guide for providing a clearer understanding of recent trends in crime and criminal justice activities in the state of Nebraska. This report was made possible by the financial support provided to the Nebraska Center for Justice Research by LB 907. Questions, suggestions, and comments should be directed to Dr. Ryan Spohn, Director, at rspohn@unomaha.edu. Thank you for your hard work in sustaining and improving criminal justice in Nebraska.



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