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Purpose Examine trends in law enforcement and corrections related to the possession and sale of marijuana in Nebraska in the first full year of recreational legalization in Colorado. County Group and Statewide Comparison According to the testimony of county and state officials in September 2014, counties along the border, in the panhandle, and along the I-80 corridor should be the hardest hit by increases in marijuana arrests, jail admissions and associated costs. These differences should be especially pronounced when these county groups are compared to the remainder of the counties in Nebraska. In addition, we compare these trends to overall trends across the state of Nebraska. Main Findings 1) Nebraska’s marijuana arrest rate increased by about 11% (4.10 to 4.55) between 2013 and 2014, and in general, counties along the Colorado border, in the panhandle, and along Interstate 80 had the highest rates of marijuana arrests in 2014 2) Overall, increases in marijuana possession arrests have been more substantial than sale/manufacture arrests 3) Counties along the Colorado border, in the panhandle, and along Interstate 80 have experienced larger increases in marijuana criminal justice activity relative to the rest of the counties in Nebraska 4) Counties along the interstate, and to a lesser extent those along the Colorado border, have been the most affected by increases in marijuana-related jail admissions 5) Nebraska spent an estimated 10.2 million dollars on enforcement of marijuana laws in 2014 (i.e., an 11.6% increase from dollars spent in 2013), and I-80 counties were responsible for the majority of this increase

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