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Fall 2014
CLA+ has two primary uses. The first use—helping institutions estimate their contributions to the development of students’ higher-order thinking skills—is achieved through growth estimates, as well as overall evidence of students’ competency in critical-thinking and written communication. The second use highlights these skills for individual students; CLA+ results provide a valuable tool for potential employers and graduate schools to ascertain the depth of a student's critical-thinking and written-communication skills. With CLA+ Career Connect, those results become accessible and actionable. CLA+ Career Connect gives students a leg up in today’s competitive job market, enabling them to: post electronic badges verifying their performance to LinkedIn or other social networking profiles; attend exclusive career fairs with prominent employers; and feature their results on digital credential profiles.
CLA+ results are a powerful tool for assessing students’ critical-thinking and written communication skills, measuring growth on these skills, and determining how your institution compares to other colleges and universities using CLA+.
University of Nebraska at Omaha has a freshman Total CLA+ score of 1083; this score is greater than or equal to the average freshman score at 70% of CLA+ schools. A score of 1083 demonstrates Basic mastery of the critical thinking and written-communication skills measured by CLA+.
Recommended Citation
Office of Institutional Effectiveness, UNO, "CLA+ Fall 2014 UNO Institutional Report" (2014). Student Learning. 8.
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