The Nature of Human Creativity

The Nature of Human Creativity



Reiter-Palmon, R. (2018). Creative cognition at the individual and team level: What happens before and after idea generation (pp.184-208).

This book provides an overview of the approaches of leading scholars to understanding the nature of creativity, its measurement, its investigation, its development, and its importance to society. The authors are the twenty-four psychological scientists who are most frequently cited in the four major textbooks on creativity, and they can thus be considered among the most eminent living scholars in the field. Authors discuss how they define creativity, the kinds of questions they have addressed, theories they have proposed, and a description of their research and the most interesting empirical results it has produced. The chapters represent a wide range of substantive and methodological emphases, including psychometric, cognitive, expertise-based, developmental, neuropsychological, cultural, systems, and group-difference approaches. The Nature of Human Creativity brings together an incredible diversity of viewpoints, helping students and researchers to see the points of consensus as well as the differences in contemporary perspectives.

  • The authors are the most commonly cited in the major texts in the field, allowing readers to learn from the research of the leaders in the field
  • Each chapter author answers a standardized list of questions, making the volume easy to navigate
  • A wide variety of approaches to human creativity are presented, helping readers to see the points of consensus and differences in perspective within the field



Publication Date



Cambridge University Press




Reiter-Palmon, R. (2018). Creative cognition at the individual and team level: What happens before and after idea generation. In R. Sternberg and J. Kaufman (Eds.), The Nature of Human Creativity (pp.184-208) New York: Cambridge Press.

The Nature of Human Creativity
