On the Promise of Cultivating Alliances With Participants in Intensive Research
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A research alliance is a working relationship between participants and researchers characterized by trust and mutual understanding, which is particularly relevant for intensive research designs. This panel aims to discuss the importance of and methods for cultivating research alliances; the benefits and drawbacks for participants, researchers, and practitioners; and an agenda for future research.
Recommended Citation
Aitken, J. A. (Co-Chair), Baines, J. I. (Co-Chair), Calderwood, C., Zhu, Z., Wang, M., Hofmans, J. On the promise of cultivating alliances with participants in intensive research [Panel]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, United States. https://www.siop.org/Portals/84/Conference/2022/siop_2022_agenda.pdf
This panel discussion was presented at the 2022 Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational psychology.