"Resource Guide to Service-Learning" by UNO Service Learning Academy

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What is Service-Learning?

Service-Learning is a partnership among students, faculty, and community organizations. Service-Learning projects:
• are conducted in and meet the needs of a community;
• help foster civic responsibility;
• are integrated into and enhance the academic curriculum of the students enrolled; and
• include structured time for students to reflect on the service experiences.

Adapted from Souza, Tasha (1999) "Service-Learning and Interpersonal Communication: Connecting with the Community." Voices of Strong Democracy: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Communication Studies. Washington, DC: AAHE.

Service-learning is the pedagogy that involves students in community service activities along with a facilitated means for applying that experience to their personal and academic development. It is aimed at enhancing and enriching student learning of course material. Course objectives are linked to meaningful learning through service. Course activities such as lectures, readings, discussions, and reflections inform the student service while service experiences influence academic dialogue and student comprehension.1

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