"African-American, Latino, and Hispanic Youth in Service Topic Bibliogr" by Charles C. Cook


Charles C. Cook

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African-American, Latino, and Hispanic communities have been among the least discussed, least researched, and under-reported groups in the area of community service. Traditions of these cultures have a history of building and enriching their environments by involving youth. Over 80% of African-Americans, Latino, and Hispanic people populate the nation's 100 largest cities. Therefore African-American, Latino, and Hispanic youth who are engaged in community service are involved in strengthening and revitalizing our country's urban centers. Today organizations such as the National Urban League, ASPIRA, and the National Council of La Raza, as well as schools and local community organizations help mobilize these young people to invest their services into their communities.


Cook, C.C. (1999). African-American, Latino, and Hispanic Youth in Service Topic Bibliography. St. Paul, MN: National Service-Learning Clearinghouse.

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