"Topic Bibliography on Sources Related to Service and Environment" by Robin Vue Benson and Robert D. Shumer

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The sources listed on the following pages are in response to requests for information on service-learning and the environment. They were obtained primarily by conducting searches of the ERIC database on CD-ROM. Broad topics were chosen for a comprehensive selection of references. With several hundred records identified, only those with the closest relevance to the topic are included here. Where a source is available through EDRS, an ERIC number is included. In addition, references from several service-learning bibliographies and other references are included. The search for more sources of information on this topic is ongoing and this compilation will be updated periodically.


Vue-Benson, R. & Shumer, R. (1994). Topic Bibliography on Sources Related to Service and Environment. St. Paul, MN: National Service-Learning Clearinghouse.

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