"Recent Dissertations on Service and Service-Learning Topics" by Robert D. Shumer, Ann Treacy et al.

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Rumor has it that there is very little research on service and service-leaming. A brief literature review of dissertations from 1990 onward revealed that over 110 studies have been completed on service and related topics. So much for the rumor!

Our intent in performing this literature review is to identify academic studies that have been completed in the past several years on issues related to service-learning. Covering a variety of interest areas and related topics, the National Service-Learning Clearinghouse is initially interested in identifying studies that add to the knowledge base on service-learning. The collection of titles, authors, and abstract summaries presented here is designed simply to inform the field of the number and diversity of studies available. We make no claims about the accuracy, integrity, value or strength of each work. That decision is left to the reader. We provide only information about the studies and where and how they can be obtained. We encourage you to seek out the researchers identified and to contact them for more information about the nature and content of the studies.

We anticipate that this compilation will be the first of several volumes on current dissertation work in American universities. We expect in future publications to actually review the material and make critical comments about the value of the contributions to the field of service-learning. We hope that by publishing this work we will encourage others who have completed studies or are designing and implementing dissertation research to contact us and share their projects with the Clearinghouse. We will do our best to make sure this information is circulated among and between service-learning professionals.

As you review this document, please feel free to send your comments to the Clearinghouse or discuss the work on our listserv. Access to our website, listserv and the 800 number to the Clearinghouse are listed on the cover of this document. Your feedback will help us determine what materials to include in future editions.


Shumer, R., Treacy, A., Hengel, M. S., O'Donnell, L. (1999). Recent Dissertations on Service and Service-Learning Topics. St. Paul, MN: National Service-Learning Cooperative Clearinghouse.

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