"Health Issues of Migrant Workers: An Awareness Campaign Project for Mi" by Go Serv, RMC Research Corporation et al.

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César E. Chávez was one of the most significant and influential civil rights leaders of our time. Chávez devoted himself to social justice and improving the lives of the impoverished and oppressed. His name, like that of Martin Luther King, Jr., symbolizes character and commitment. This project, part of the “Educating the Heart” series, has been developed to honor of the life and work of César E. Chávez.

The César E. Chávez “Health Issues of Migrant Workers” project provides a multi-faceted service-learning experience that will give high school students an understanding of César E. Chávez’s core values, specifically service to others, determination, acceptance of all people, and helping the neediest. This unit addresses health issues and facilitates acquisition of life skills as students learn the California State Curriculum Standards. Whether used to celebrate César E. Chávez Day or as a part of regular classroom studies, this project will help enhance and support the academic curriculum. It also provides students with an opportunity to gain a sense of civic responsibility and understand the importance of giving back to their communities. In essence, the project educates both heart and mind through the performance and reflection on service.
