"Making Change: Promoting Character Education Through Philanthropic Ser" by Kathia Monard-Weissman

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The New York State Department of Education in its efforts to foster moral principles in students is sponsoring programs that integrate a component of character education in the course of instruction in grades kindergarten through twelve. Creating and sustaining a meaningful approach to character education requires partnerships between school personnel, students and the broader community. The NYS Department of Education recognizes that programs that integrate community-based activities in the school curricula can help nurture important values such as honesty, tolerance to diversity, respect towards others, fairness, caring, and trustworthiness. These values will likely enhance the students' interactions with the community and their contributions to society. With this goal in mind, the NYS Department of Education presents the following initiative, the purpose of which is to nurture moral principles in students through their participation in philanthropic service-learning endeavors.


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