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This qualitative study was designed to explore the experiences of high school girls in a service-learning class that I co-taught with my husband, Jeffrey Stephens. an economics and World Civilizations teacher at the Bayou School. I observed the participants during their three-week service class entitled The Economy's Impact Upon Its Citizenry when they served at a Salvation Anny community center and during their class discussions. I also interviewed all of the students before the class began, three times during the class. and twice after the class was over. The students kept journals throughout the class and wrote a case study on their experience with one of the community center's senior citizens. which I examined for emerging themes and patterns. I have described the girls' experiences with their service-Iearning class. I have also discussed how the participants worked toward or did not work toward the six multicultural goals (Bennett, 2000) Stephens and I used as a framework for organizing the class. Additionally. I share the girls' philosophical orientations about service (Boyle-Baise. 1998b) and how these beliefs influenced the meaning they gave to their experiences at the service site.
Recommended Citation
Blackburn, Gina Miller, "Service Learning's Influence on Multicultural Goals: Among Elite High School Girls: An Interpretative Case Study" (2002). Thesis, Dissertations, Student Creative Activity, and Scholarship. 14.
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Copyright 2002 by Gina Michele Miller Blackburn.