Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 1995


Springboards: The ideas presented are not meant to be comprehensive. Placing this much information on one page restrains the number of ideas that can be given. They are meant to spark creative minds. Each teacher knows his/her students, community. and curriculum best.

Making connections: Each and every curricular area does not need to participate for successful interdisciplinary learning to occur.

Choosing your action: We have presented an example of each type of action: (direct, indirect, and advocacy). Only one type of action is required to make this a service-learning project along with preparation and reflection

All School activities: When reading the Aging and Hunger and Homelessness webs it becomes obvious that an all school project is the focus. In the Aging web", references to holding a "Senior" Prom is a theme throughout. The same is true of the Hunger and Homelessness web where holding a "Hunger Banquet" becomes a school wide project.

MSPAP and Service-learning: Service-learning and MSPAP are natural fit. Both incorporate real-life learning, problem-solving, critical thinking, and the opportunity to apply skills.

Goals of this project: It is hoped that these webs accomplish 2 goals:
1- to increase understanding of service learning and its contributions to application of knowledge.
2- to encourage curricular webbing that helps increase overall learning and understanding.
