"Youth Act! For Human Rights" by Youth Act! For Human Rights

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This pilot project, funded by The Ford Foundation, establishes Youth Act! For Human Rights initiatives in two locations (Washington, DC and Vancouver, W A), conducts social justice activism training for young people within these communities, challenges youth to put their newly learned human rights education into action, and provides a vehicle, via community advocacy summits, for them to showcase the results of their human rights activism.

Youth Act! For Human Rights presents a unique opportunity for young people to analyze and work to solve community problems from the root level. The comprehensive approach- through application of the human rights framework - allows youth to understand the connection between the different problems in their lives and human rights. Participating youth are encouraged to identify local issues of concern, placing special emphasis on economic and social rights. Youth Act! For Human Rights is committed to training youth to solve social justice problems so they can grow to become adults committed to activism and working for change,
