"Self-Assessment Rubric for the Institutionalization of Service-Learnin" by Andrew Furco

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The Self-Assessment Rubric for the Institutionalization of Service-Learning in Higher Education was designed to assist members of the higher education community in gauging the progress of their service-learning institutionalization efforts on their campus.

The rubric is structured by five dimensions that are considered by most service-learning experts to be key factors for higher education service-learning institutionalization. Each dimension is comprised of several components that characterize the dimension. For each component, a threestage continuum of development has been established. Progression from Stage One: Critical Mass Building to Stage Three: Sustained Institutionalization suggests that the institution is moving closer to fully institutionalizing service-learning on its campus.

The conceptual framework for the rubric is based largely on a benchmark worksheet that was developed by Kevin Kecskes and Julie Muyllaert of the Western Region Campus Compact Consortium's Continuums of Service program. The three-stage developmental continuum and most of the self-assessment rubric's institutionalization dimensions were derived from the Kecskes/Mullyaert Continuums of Service benchmark worksheet. 1 The other dimensions of the rubric were derived from various literature sources that discuss the critical elements for institutionalizing service-learning in higher education. In particular, the work of the following individuals provided important foundational information for the development of the rubric: Edward Zlotkowski of Bentley College and the American Association for Higher Education: Rob Serow, Diane C. Calleson, and Lani Parker of North Carolina State University; Leigh Morgan of the North Carolina Commission on National and Community Service; Amy Driscoll of California State University, Monterey Bay; Donna Dengel and Roger Yerke of Portland, Oregon; and Gail Robinson of the American Association of Community Colleges.2
