""...something shining, like gold--but better." The National Indian Yo" by McClellan Hall


McClellan Hall

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A lot of people are talking about education these days, including President Bush,who recently launched his America 2000 plan here in St. Paul. It hasn't been like this for many years, certainly not during the 1980s when the issue of young people dropping out, pushed out, or bored out was almost invisible on the national agenda.For McClellan Hall, however, concern for how children learn-especially Indian children, has been a lifelong mission. As national interest focuses on education, it is essential that credible voices such as McClellan's, voices which neither claim nor seek a national limelight, be heard amid the current chorus of those who aggressively press their agendas for children and schools. People who take time to listen to McClellan Hall will not be disappointed.


Copyright1991 by the National Indian Youth Leadership Project and the National Youth Leadership Council.

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