"Native American Science Outreach Network Resource Guide" by Native American Science Outreach Network

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By the spring of 1994. the Outreach Programs of the UW Department of Chemistry resembled the proverbial elephant as described by three blind people. The National Science Foundation funded a program to train middle school scienceteachers of Native American students. The Fund for the Improvement of Post Secondary Education funded a linked program to train high school teachers and preservice teachers. Other funders ensured that there would be equipment and supplies for the program and for teachers to take to their home schools; university students would assist with water monitoring; community liaisons and university students would work with tribal communities; corporations would support community service projects and employment for Native American students; high school students could join the teachers for the institute. At the last minute, Native American para-professionals were invited to join the program. All of these grants and gifts supported the idea of preparing Native Americans to succeed in the sciences, but each program had its own distinctive title.

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