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The Federal government through the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP) has initiated a Community Partnership Training (CCPT) Project to assist Community Partnership grantees in support of community efforts to reduce and prevent alcohol and other drug abuse. Approximately 250 Community Partnerships across the country and Pueno Rico were funded, including approximately 15 American Indian specific Community Partnerships. Under contract with CSAP, Macro International Inc., and Circle Solutions, Inc., were tasked to develop and deliver a variety of training activities to the Community Partnerships. These include a 5-day Community Partnership Institute; the Multicultural Leadership Institute; The Institute for Partnership Development (!PD); a variety of 1-and 2-day Community Training Workshops; also underway are four culturally specific institutes. The Native American component of the culturally specific institutes is called the "Gathering of Native Americans" (GONA).
Recommended Citation
Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, United States, "Gathering of Native Americans (GONA)
Trainer Guide" (1994). Tribal Nations Documents. 6.
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