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FUSE Report


With college students working an ever increasing number of hours, the demands placed on them from multiple roles is often significant leading to decreases in their overall wellness. This study used the job demands-resources perspective (Bakker & Demerouti, 2007) to examine how the availability and utilization of resources buffered the negative effects of work-school-life demands (WSLD) on student wellness. Wellness, a multidimensional construct, defines an active process in which people attempt to better themselves to achieve their full potential (Dunn, 1957; Hettler, 1980). We hypothesize that the availability and utilization of life resources will moderate the effect of WSLD on overall wellness. Consistent with the JD-R model, we predicted that there would be a negative relationship between life demands and wellness for those with lower levels of resources, whereas those with higher resources were predicted to report higher wellness regardless of their level of life demands.


The attached presentation was presented at the International Conference of Work, Stress and Health in Orlando, FL, May 2015.

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