Performance Measurement of Violent Extremist Organizations
Advisor Information
Gina Ligon
Dr. C.C. and Mabel L. Criss Library
Presentation Type
Start Date
7-3-2014 9:00 AM
End Date
7-3-2014 12:00 PM
Organizational success is frequently measured through various performance metrics, but little is known about how to measure performance of violent extremist organizations (VEOs). In order to gauge threat levels of key VEOs a key performance indicator (KPI) framework was used to create a taxonomy of critical performance factors that lead to success in VEOs. An exploratory factor analysis was conducted on attack-level performance data. A total of 1406 attacks were coded across 40 VEOs. The EFA yielded a two-factor solution. There were six items loading on the first factor that mostly pertained to culturally important constructs, whether for the target culture or the organizational culture of the perpetrating organization, so that first factor was named Cultural Potency. Three items loaded on the second factor and pertained to innovative constructs, so the second factor was named Unique Proficiency. Applied implications indicate that the most threatening VEOs are those who attack targets that are symbolically important in a variety of different ways, and that these attacks require high levels of expertise to execute.
Performance Measurement of Violent Extremist Organizations
Dr. C.C. and Mabel L. Criss Library
Organizational success is frequently measured through various performance metrics, but little is known about how to measure performance of violent extremist organizations (VEOs). In order to gauge threat levels of key VEOs a key performance indicator (KPI) framework was used to create a taxonomy of critical performance factors that lead to success in VEOs. An exploratory factor analysis was conducted on attack-level performance data. A total of 1406 attacks were coded across 40 VEOs. The EFA yielded a two-factor solution. There were six items loading on the first factor that mostly pertained to culturally important constructs, whether for the target culture or the organizational culture of the perpetrating organization, so that first factor was named Cultural Potency. Three items loaded on the second factor and pertained to innovative constructs, so the second factor was named Unique Proficiency. Applied implications indicate that the most threatening VEOs are those who attack targets that are symbolically important in a variety of different ways, and that these attacks require high levels of expertise to execute.