DigitalCommons@UNO - UNO Student Research and Creative Activity Fair: Priming Events and Readiness to Change: The Process of Accepting Extremist Beliefs

Priming Events and Readiness to Change: The Process of Accepting Extremist Beliefs

Advisor Information

Pete Simi


UNO Criss Library, Room 231

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation

Start Date

4-3-2016 2:00 PM

End Date

4-3-2016 2:15 PM


This study draws from in-depth life histories interviews with former far-right extremists to examine the manner in which unanticipated experiences nurture the acceptance of extremist ideologies. While there is substantial research focusing on the radicalization process once an individual has become a member of an extremist organization, there is little investigation into the individual’s initial contact with extremist beliefs. I argue that unanticipated events related to racial, political or religious beliefs, prime individuals prior for entry into extremism. This paper concludes with an examination of the ways in which former right-wing members become “ready to change” prior to their initial contact with extremist beliefs.

Additional Information (Optional)

Winner of Outstanding Graduate Oral Presentation

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Mar 4th, 2:00 PM Mar 4th, 2:15 PM

Priming Events and Readiness to Change: The Process of Accepting Extremist Beliefs

UNO Criss Library, Room 231

This study draws from in-depth life histories interviews with former far-right extremists to examine the manner in which unanticipated experiences nurture the acceptance of extremist ideologies. While there is substantial research focusing on the radicalization process once an individual has become a member of an extremist organization, there is little investigation into the individual’s initial contact with extremist beliefs. I argue that unanticipated events related to racial, political or religious beliefs, prime individuals prior for entry into extremism. This paper concludes with an examination of the ways in which former right-wing members become “ready to change” prior to their initial contact with extremist beliefs.