Knowing and Designing: Understanding Information Use in Design Industry Through the Lens of Information Archetypes

Presenter Information

Ammar AbidFollow

Advisor Information

Christine Toh


UNO Criss Library, Room 225

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation

Start Date

3-3-2017 2:30 PM

End Date

3-3-2017 2:45 PM


Researchers and practitioners have regarded the early phases of the product design and development process as crucial to the success of design outcomes. Importantly, information gathered and utilized during idea development has tremendous potential to impact the direction of the final design. However, there is a lack of a holistic framework describing the types of information designers in industry utilize during conceptual design, making it challenging to develop and teach methodologies that support the design of competitive products. As a first step in understanding the types of information utilized during the design process, this study focuses on developing and empirically testing a framework of Information Archetypes utilized by designers in industry. This was accomplished through in-depth qualitative interviews with large software engineering companies, and analysis using the principles of inductive content analysis. The result of these analyses reveals five archetypes of design information utilized by decision-makers within these companies during the development of new products and services. The findings of this study provide the foundation for an Information Archetype framework of design information as is observed in situ, and allow for future research that investigates the role of information during the product design process.

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Mar 3rd, 2:30 PM Mar 3rd, 2:45 PM

Knowing and Designing: Understanding Information Use in Design Industry Through the Lens of Information Archetypes

UNO Criss Library, Room 225

Researchers and practitioners have regarded the early phases of the product design and development process as crucial to the success of design outcomes. Importantly, information gathered and utilized during idea development has tremendous potential to impact the direction of the final design. However, there is a lack of a holistic framework describing the types of information designers in industry utilize during conceptual design, making it challenging to develop and teach methodologies that support the design of competitive products. As a first step in understanding the types of information utilized during the design process, this study focuses on developing and empirically testing a framework of Information Archetypes utilized by designers in industry. This was accomplished through in-depth qualitative interviews with large software engineering companies, and analysis using the principles of inductive content analysis. The result of these analyses reveals five archetypes of design information utilized by decision-makers within these companies during the development of new products and services. The findings of this study provide the foundation for an Information Archetype framework of design information as is observed in situ, and allow for future research that investigates the role of information during the product design process.