Advisor Information
Dr. Nick Stergiou
Dr. C.C. and Mabel L. Criss Library
Presentation Type
Start Date
2-3-2018 12:30 PM
End Date
2-3-2018 1:45 PM
Ian Sloan , Jenny A. Kent, Shane R. Wurdeman, Adam L. Jacobsen, Kota Z. Takahashi, Nicholas Stergiou. Subthreshold vibration does not affect walking performance of transtibial amputees. Objective: To test the hypothesis that adding subthreshold vibrations to the thigh of the affected limb on amputees would allow for better control of the prosthesis. Setting: Biomechanics Research Building at UNO. Participants: 14 transtibial amputees (age range, 33-72y). Intervention: Applying subthreshold vibrations to thigh of affected limb for three different conditions; white noise signal, pink noise signal, and none. Outcome Measures: Step length, step width, and step width and length variability. Results: After adding the subthreshold vibrations, there was no significant differences across the three conditions. Conclusion: Subthreshold vibration does not improve walking performance in the selected measures. Future work will look into longer vibration exposure or testing outside a lab environment.
Subthreshold Vibration Does Not Affect Walking Performance Of Transtibial Amputees
Dr. C.C. and Mabel L. Criss Library
Ian Sloan , Jenny A. Kent, Shane R. Wurdeman, Adam L. Jacobsen, Kota Z. Takahashi, Nicholas Stergiou. Subthreshold vibration does not affect walking performance of transtibial amputees. Objective: To test the hypothesis that adding subthreshold vibrations to the thigh of the affected limb on amputees would allow for better control of the prosthesis. Setting: Biomechanics Research Building at UNO. Participants: 14 transtibial amputees (age range, 33-72y). Intervention: Applying subthreshold vibrations to thigh of affected limb for three different conditions; white noise signal, pink noise signal, and none. Outcome Measures: Step length, step width, and step width and length variability. Results: After adding the subthreshold vibrations, there was no significant differences across the three conditions. Conclusion: Subthreshold vibration does not improve walking performance in the selected measures. Future work will look into longer vibration exposure or testing outside a lab environment.